Cutey Calendars 1998 

The Used Calendar Section... As might be obvious, is the repository for the older QT Calendar pages, in order to keep them available to whomever may want them,.. like ferinstance, if you have a hunch that June 1998 might come around again, then here's where you can come to glom the calendar...

Or to paraphrase Spike Milligan: "Monday comes around once a week, June comes around once a year, 1998 will come around again too - it just takes longer..."

December 1998:

Xmas Safety First

Mac Medium: 832/624 for 17 inch monitors

Windows Medium: for 17 inch Monitors

November 1998:

Cinnamon, Matilda & Heather of the CyberFox gang partaking in a li'l on the job mayhem in: Wash & Roll

Medium: 832/624 for 17 inch monitors

October 1998:

Looks like a Wyndi night over Hollywood

Mac Medium: 832/624 for 17 inch monitors

Windows Wyndi Medium - 832 by 624

More Wyndi Pix

a September Cutey
(with apologies to Paul Chabas)

Medium: 832/624 for 17 inch monitors


If you're over 18 you may click here for the Slightly Naughtier Version

August 1998:

Beach Bunny Bingo

Medium: 832/624 for 17 inch monitors

July 1998:

Venice Bunnies - Kelly & Heather out for a li'l Fun & Violence skating down Venice Beach California...


Medium: 832/624 for 17 inch Monitors

June 1998:

Heidi & Etsuko Surfing Omaha Beach...


Medium: 832/624 for 17 inch monitors

Originally Posted only on Compuserve May 1998

Reused: August 1999

Mac Medium: 832/624 for 17 inch monitors

Windows Medium: for 17 inch monitors

Originally Posted only on Compuserve April 1998

Reused: April 2000
Easter Kisses

Mac Medium: 832/624 for 17 inch monitors

Win Medium: 800/600 for 17 inch monitors

The "True" Story of Easter

Originally Posted only on Compuserve March 1998

Reused: March 2000
Cutey - Plop

Mac Medium: 832/624 for 17 inch monitors

Win Medium: 800/600 for 17 inch monitors

Originally Posted only on Compuserve Feb 1998

Reused: Feb 1999: Valentine Trix,

or: Lollipops for Peace

Mac Medium: 832/624 for 17 inch monitors

Windows Medium: for 17 inch monitors

Originally Posted only on Compuserve - Jan 1998

Reused: January 2002

Bringing the New Year in with a Blast!!

Click here Mac Calendars

Click here Windows Calendars

Note: I originally started doing the QT Calendars in Jan 1998 and the first five months only appeared in my old folio on Compuserve... in June of 98 we moved out onto the web - Which is why the Calendars seem to start with Heidi & Etsuko Surfing Omaha Beach... which would seem an odd place to commence...

Four of those original five calendars were reused later, and for those who’re keeping track: Feb 98 “Valentine Trix” was reused for Feb 99 - March 98 “Plop” was reused on March 2000 - April 98 “Easter Kisses” was reused for April 2000 - May 98 “ShowDown” was reused for August 99 - while the original Jan 98 Calendar has finally been reposted as of this Jan 2002...

Easy to use with Mac OS8x or Win95/NT,.. older Mac systems need a display utility like ZMacs-BackSplash... Cutey & Cutie Bunnies and associated characters are Copyright and TM 1998 Joshua Quagmire These Calendar Pix are free for personal use but not for reposting or any form of resale... Any comments, problems or whatever Feel free to contact myself: Joshua Quagmire