Wyndi the JailBait Witch first saw print back in 1990 (Doesn't really seem all that long ago) I won't go into the convoluted thought processes that lead to her creation,.. but she debuted in RipOff Comix #27 the "Sex Sells" issue,.. which mostly only served to demonstrate that if sex really does sell then RipOff didn't have a clue..! By the way, for those who may be concerned over the proprieties of the "JailBait" title,.. think of it this way,.. if Wyndi was 14 back when she debuted in 1990 then seven or eight years later that would make her... Umm well anyway old enough that we needn't worry about the legalities of the situation...


Anyway, back when she first saw print we had plans for further stories featuring Wyndi & her friends, but like many things in life that just didn't happen Included here is a small gallery of Wyndi pix including the cover for the unfinished "AshCan" Issue which was to be a collection of stories and pin-up pix...


Wyndi and Angel

The Cover Pix for the AshCan

Pencils by J.Quagmire

Inx by D. Norton


 Wyndi and Angel

flying to somewhere or other...

Pencils J.Quagmire

Inx: F. Tubbins


 I don't know what Angel is telling

Wyndi, but she doesn't look happy...


Pencils by J.Quagmire

Inx by D. Norton



a Colored Pix of Wyndi rendered

in PhotoShop & Colorize


Outlinez J. Quagmire

Colorz F. Tubbins


 Wyndi looking

more than a little peeved

Pencils by J.Quagmire


another Pencil sketch of Wyndi & Leroy

Flying high with a Tailwind...

Pencils by J.Quagmire


 More Naughty Bits..?

Wyndi & Angel perusing their Fan Mail...

Pencils by J.Quagmire