For those of you who weren't around back in '92, when Vikki Marlowe made her first appearance in print... Well, I guess you didn't miss all that much... In any case, you shouldn't need any prior knowledge to enjoy her current all-new adventures - though a certain affinity for the Hard Boiled Genre as well as knowledge of a few of the more famous movies couldn't hurt... But even if you have no idea of who Dashiell Hammett or Raymond Chandler are, or were, I think you should still be able to enjoy the story, you'll just miss a few of the jokes along the way - but I suppose that's not a killer...

As for the format, up 'till now We've avoided using frames, as they tend to behave differently with different browsers, but in an effort to upgrade the web reading experience (as well as make things easier on ourselves) it seemed time to upgrade our html a bit... Should there be any problems with the story frames, please contact myself and let me know what OS, Browser & Browser Version you're using... (We've checked it with iCab, Netscape & Explorer on the Mac but only Explorer on Windows)

Navigation through the story should be self evident - The chapter links on the left will take you to the beginning of each chapter (These will be activated as new chapters are added -Until that point they'll be Gray). With-in the chapters you may navigate from page to page using the top or bottom page arrows - Or occasionally we'll provide multiple choice links with-in the story...

It would also help if you have at least a Flash - SWF plug-in installed... Though if you don't you'll just miss seeing our little opening title - Other than that, the story should work fine...

But, I suppose that's enough nattering - so with no more ado, Josh & Walt present:

Vikki Marlowe in...

Various elements of this story were created with: GoClick, GoLive, BBEdit, Flash, FreeHand, PhotoShop, BoxTop PhotoGiff and a lot of Pencils... Also of course, Produced with a Mac... I could've done it with a Windows Box, it'd just've been more difficult...