July 2016

Beach Bunny Callisto

So, I was perambulating along the beach the other day when I chanced upon this lively VolleyBall game - It was quite a contest - Swish - Biff - Bouncy, Bouncy, the ball rebounded and bobbled – as did the giggling, jiggling Bunnies who were knocking it back an' forth... Naturally, I stopped to watch, an' um... Snap a few candid photos... Then they spotted me an' started throwing stuff - so I left in some haste...

I did get one fairly nice photo though, and here it is for your perusal as our July calendar... Seems Kelly and Heather, defending as the home team, are taking on the out-of-town challengers, Bunz and Callisto... (Alien Bunnies from waaaayyy out of town)! Who're apparently here for the 4th of July weekend, barbecue and fireworks...

Click here, to see how the Game turned out - all Fun, and Bouncy Excitement in our li'l two page story on Kelly's FaceBook page!

a Big Thanx for the nub of the Idea to Surly Bill... I might also add, that there's a li'l two - page game coverage story which goes with this - although, what with one thing and another, it likely won't be ready for posting on Cutey's FaceBook page for a couple more days (maybe the 5th or so)... So be sure to check back then, Bunny aficionados!

I might also add, that as our Bat Temp saga of Crime, Punishment and Donuts continues, somewhere in a lonely corner of Golem City, Bunz is about to go on trial for Assault and Battery on the Clown Crumb of Crime... or is she? Perhaps we'll all find out in our next moderately exciting installment... at BunzandKatz.com

But for now, to get into the spirit of the 4th, I think I'll go light a sparkler an' see if I can use it to barbecue a ham sandwich... JQ


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